Delivery & Returns


  • UK Delivery: All orders from within the UK benefit from FREE UK delivery. We use Royal Mail Signed for 1st Class Delivery, which once dispatched should be delivered within 2 working days.
  • Worldwide Delivery: Orders outside the UK, can take advantage of our Worldwide delivery. Prices depend on delivery location and are calculated at checkout. We use Parcelforce’s globalpriority, which delivers worldwide from 4 days of dispatch. For more details of delivery times to your chosen worldwide destination, view Parcelforce’s Worldwide Directory.

Returns Policy

You may return your item within 7 days of receipt if still in an unopened/unused condition*

To do so please send an email to and send your item in its original condition to:
Flat 5 Gladwin House, Cranleigh Street, London NW1 1PJ

*Please note: No signed copy of our products are returnable unless proof of damage during transit is provided, in which case a replacement copy will be sent out. Returns for refund cannot be accepted in any other circumstance as signed copies are made for the customer, sent to author for signature and then dispatched to customer. It cannot be returned as it cannot be sold to someone else; is a personalized property of the purchaser. If in doubt, cross-check quality and originality of the work in the bullet points of its achievement prior to purchase. The work is not an old idea in a glossy new cover.