Thirty-six years ago (in 1982), the seed that sprouted and grew into The Ecological Foundation of Hearing Sciences was planted as the beginning of investigations into the sensation of tone in my M. Phil work at Strasbourg University. It started as a trivial experiment with frequency contours of naturally-produced tone-bearing monosyllabic words in Yoruba. Hardly did I know that the project was a potential generator of intense love and vicious hatred of a rare nature. There were times when I thought that I might never make it to the end seeing the power of the ruthless opponents to my work. But then, through long meditations on personages such as Copernicus, Galileo, Wycliffe, Jesus, and many others who successfully changed deeply entrenched traditions, I attained the conviction that even if I did not make it to the end, someone else would since the seed of truth had been planted. Today, I rejoice that I am alive to relate my trials and victory in the preparation of The Ecological Foundation of Hearing Sciences. The present book is the inside story of The Ecological Foundation of Hearing Sciences; it relates the long and hard road to victory despite apparently insurmountable suppression by its heavy-handed academic oppressors.
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